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Write your text here...

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Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

GO FROM FEELING FROZEN and paralysed with indecision to feeling empowered and in control of your WONDERFUL BUSINESS.






I’ll show you the possibilities for your business and together we’ll solve the tech and mindset roadblocks so that no obstacle needs to prevent your path to success.

“I've gained so much more confidence in a year, in my own ability, and believing in myself. Working with Paula is so empowering. If you've got the seed of an idea and you want to nurture it and see it grow. She's a good gardener!” Jen Street

Overpromised and Under Delivered?

The Sad Truth About Building Your Online Business

The internet is full of course creators and marketers promising the earth - “Make 6,7, or 8 figures, I did it so you can too!”... but in reality, they deliver very little.

When I started my business in 2020 I took countless courses which assured me that I could make a fortune if I followed in their footsteps. What I learned was the surface-level how-tos. How to start an email list, how to create a course, how to do this and how to do that…. But what was missing was often the back-end integrations you need to get the whole thing working properly and seamlessly.

And when you don't know how the back end works you can end up spending an awful lot of money on more courses to learn the other stuff or ‘fixers’, who charge a fortune to do simple things or keep the mystery alive, ensuring you are non-the-wiser and not in full control of your own business.

I know you’ve already bought courses and invested in your business, yet you:

  • Still feel unsure of what your next step looks like

  • Don't understand the tech behind the scenes

  • Feel like you are throwing good money after bad, trying to fix problems

  • Want to move faster but feel like your lack of systems & tech knowledge is slowing you down

  • Wasted time trying to implement someone else's funnel blueprint only to realise it was never a good fit for your business

  • Tried the other options that the course guru recommended

  • Feel overwhelmed with all the choices and no further forward

But I am here to help WALK YOU THROUGH the tech set-up in a way that makes sense, costs less and gives you full control over the running of your own business and the confidence to DO IT YOUR WAY.

Even with...

  • Lack of clarity around what the best options look like

  • No cost (or v. low cost) investment in any additional required software

  • A desire to keep things simple and low-tech

  • Perfectionist tendencies that force you to have all the answers (so you can’t start anything before studying for another 6 months)

  • Fears around failure or even success

  • Lack of clarity around what the best options look like

Start building the BUSINESS YOU NEED and transform your tech within 12 months, AT YOUR OWN PACE without the gurus telling you to buy more shiny objects.

Your Business, Your Way

Imagine having a sense of pride in what you’ve created. You took your time and followed your calling - and now you have a business that works for you and not the other way around.

Having Courage

Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, safe in the knowledge that you are not alone, with an accountability partner to help you see your ideas through to completion.

The Confidence Boost You Need

What if the tech side of your business was easy to manage after all? I’ll help you make sense of the jargon and show you how things work - simply and effectively.

This is all possible. And it’s why I created

The Complete Business Toolkit.



This is a 12-month growth container to achieving the awesome business you are absolutely capable of running.

It’s not just another course. But also a comprehensive system of lessons, peer-group learning, bite-sized modules and handy guides, PLUS dedicated 1:1 business support from an expert Integrator.

Join and within 12 months, walk away with a fantastic business online model that runs on mainly on autopilot!

Here’s what’s included:

1:1 BESPOKE COACHING CALLS -Taking place once or twice a month, at a pace which feels comfortable to you. (Worth £860)

1 x 90 minute In Depth Planning session at the start of our journey together

1 x 60 minute Social Media content planning session

1 x 60-minute Facebook Meta session

1 x 60 minute Email and Business Planning session

Plus 7 x 1:1 Coaching call sessions for use to work together on your business.

All recorded on Zoom and sent to you afterwards so you won't forget a thing.

  • Business Email Set-up

  • Magic Legal Obligations

  • Choosing an Email Service Provider

  • MailerLite Basics

  • MailerLite Advanced

  • Active Campaign Basics

  • Active Campaign Advanced

  • Business and Email Planner for 12 months

  • Facebook Groups

  • Facebook Pages

  • Facebook Meta Controls

  • Understanding the basics of Social Media Posting

  • Create your own 6 Month Social Media Planner

Plus the 3 Masterclasses with workbooks (worth £445)

Plus these how-to sessions (worth £447)

  • Learn to use Calendly

  • Learn to use Stripe payment

  • Learn to connect your tech with Zapier

  • Website build and host your own

  • Facebook Ads 'Get started the easy way'

  • Introduction to Canva

  • Cookiebot Integration

  • Thinkific 'Build your first course for free, made easy'

  • Trademarking 'Why your business needs it'

  • Zoom - 'How to have a problem-free Zoom call and stay in control'

  • Google Made Easy

  • Staying safe & secure with two factor Authentication (2FA)

Plus 1 year access to the Chat With Paula Membership (worth £225)

  • Private Facebook Group

  • Membership Portal for connection and replays

  • Weekly pomo session

  • Weekly 1 hour calls covering

    • Tech Sessions

    • Accountability

    • Power of Yes

    • Hot Seats

    • Q&A

    • Member launches

    • Special Guests

Plus 12 months of WhatsApp access (priceless!)

  • Get your questions or queries answered sooner rather than later, know that you are not alone and I am in your corner.

    Office hours are 8am - 6pm UK time.

“My mind has been a lot more settled since joining your membership. It really does pay to find the right people to be your virtual colleagues from other businesses.”

- Pauline Morgan

“I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to work with people who ‘get’ me and what I am trying to do!.”

- Jenny Street

“I like all the straight-talking women in the membership. The sessions are action focussed and empowering. They help me to get stuff done.”

- Ella Hoyos


Because who doesn’t love a little extra?

This Is Your Missing Puzzle Piece

Receive a signed copy of my new book! It’s for business owners who are ready to make a change, get unstuck and unlock your full potential. Get ready to open doors in your thinking that have held you back for years.

Magic Launch Your Course The Easy Way

A step-by-step guide to launching your first course with minimum expense using free tools and software -- plus learn my method of planning out what to create when and how to build from a lead magnet to a signature course that your clients will pay for!

(Available from Spring 2024)

Publish Your Book on Amazon - A Guide to Self-Publishing

A step-by-step guide to publishing your first book and eBook.. Contains the solutions to all my missteps - so that you can get it right, the first time!

(Available Spring 2024)

“Paula gives you really she gives you that confidence that you can do it so that you can trust yourself and you can back yourself.”

Jen Street

“If you are in any doubt about what Paula teaches, I can tell you - it works! (She helped me plan my newsletter and lead magnet and the sales have been rolling in)”

Vanessa Hubbard.

What She Said…

“She’s unstoppable quite frankly. Tech doesn't work and it’s stressing you out? She’ll find a workaround. She’s the ultimate problem solver - when it comes to software nothing phases her. Her SOS calls are lifesavers for online biz owners”

Ella Hoyos / Minnie Mc Bride

HEY! Paula here.

Can I be honest with you? Frankly I know no other way!

I can show you what’s possible for you and your business even if you can’t see it for yourself. They don’t call me the Headmistress for nothing…

That wasn’t always the case. It was only when redundancy ‘freed’ me from my former job that I discovered my superpower. As a strong Integrator and accredited Life Coach I have the ability to cut through the fog of emotions attached to businesses and find a way forward.

Now I help entrepreneurs and start up business owners do just that - find solutions to the problems that hold you back from designing and running a successful business.

Having spent 20 years working for someone else in a management role, I knew I was meant for more, I just couldn't say what that ‘more’ was.

But when I followed my own path I started to notice that there were other women with bags of talent and brilliant ideas who were also meant for more. I knew I could help.

So I went all in on business integration, offering 1:1 support, designing courses and setting up my membership Chat With Paula to build a community of women and help them make real progress in their businesses.

Within a year of starting my own business, my first client went from £0 to £10K+ in her first launch and it snowballed from there.

And now? I want the same for you.

You may think you aren’t cut out for online business just because you don’t understand the tech. I say BS!

That’s why I created the Complete Business Toolkit. It’s a whole package of 1:1 support, the Chat With Paula Membership, plus individual courses that unpick everything from Organic Social Media Posting and Email Marketing to Facebook Ads and beyond.

Let’s do this together!


How Do I Know If I’m Ready?

You should definitely purchase if…

  • You’re fed up going round in circles trying to ‘figure it out’ all on your own.

  • You rely on one single source of income and you feel vulnerable that it might dry up.

  • You are ready to create more income streams (legs!) to your business but you are not sure how.

  • You have taken lots of training courses but you still don't have the answers you need.

  • You’ve bought loads of software tools but are having a hard time getting them to work together.

  • You’ve got an idea for a course but you’re not sure how to build your tech stack.

  • You’re keen to get your online business up and running but you don't have a bottomless budget for software.

  • You’re running a business but getting frustrated and overwhelmed with all the tech

  • You want to automate more of your business operations and make life easier for yourself.

  • You’ve established your business but reached a plateau.

You might want to wait to buy if…

  • You’re not sure if I’m the right coach for you. We’re going to be working closely together - so why not get on my mailing list or check out my free training first to see if we’re a good match?

  • You already have a system in place and you don’t want to learn new software

  • You want to delegate all the tech, and have it all done for you without working through it yourself

  • You already have some of the bits and pieces - so don't need the whole package (talk to me anyway!)


- or your money back

I guarantee that I will push you beyond your comfort zone so you can learn what you need.

I guarantee you will learn a lot and be supported throughout and

I guarantee that you will be surprised at yourself by the time we are finished...

…but first, you gotta commit!

I match your investment with 100% enthusiasm and encouragement. But I can’t do your sit-ups for you!! This is a DONE WITH YOU program (not ‘done-for-you’). So if you are not ready to take action on your business and do the work, then this may not be the right solution for you.

I want to offer you a 100% risk-free guarantee.

When you join, you’ve got 30 days to decide if this purchase was right for you.

If, within those 30 days, you do the planning session, attend the membership calls and try the masterclasses but still feel like the Complete Business Toolkit isn’t delivering on its promise, I will refund you 11 months of the total cost.

Just send an email to paula@magictadzik.com to let me know.

That’s just the right thing to do.


Q. I have just got started and have no idea of a business yet.

A. That's great, jump in and start learning. I often find that as you learn your goals become clearer.

Q. I have already launched and had good results.

A. Amazing, you know where you are and where you are going. My question is what is next? Will you scale up, can you sell again to your audience or do you need to keep updating and renewing your offer?

This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage

Q. I am already part of a membership that helps me.

A. Okay, list down 5 things you have achieved this year, if you can do that then they are for you. If not jump in and join us. I believe you should be working alongside those who can help you.

Q. I have an idea for a course but don't know how to implement it.

This is covered as part of the Toolkit. I’ll show you how to set up a bespoke email account, a learning portal, a website and build lead magnets, landing pages and sale pages. We’ll talk about getting business insurance and legal cover to protect against risk. You’ll understand how to use a learning platform to deliver your course content and materials. You’ll be confident knowing exactly what’s needed for courses, memberships, classes and a safe area where your clients can access live documents and replays.

Q - I already know some of these programs so it will be a waste of money.

A - You may have the keys to the Ferrari, I will teach you how to drive it!

Q - I don't need to know all of that.

A - What we cover creates strong business foundations. This puts you in the driving seat of your business so you can keep control. By outsourcing you will always need to rely on someone else to do it, and this can be worrying and costly. But get your foundations right and you’ll have the power to outsource effectively, knowing how it works so that you can’t be duped. What you do and how far you push once we finish is up to you.

Q - I can't afford it

A - If you are happy to research and learn from YouTube videos to learn everything then please go ahead... The bulk of my work is with you on a 1:1 basis. What I give you in my time and expertise is worth so much - where else can you spend this sort of money on a business course and get so much personal attention?

Q - I don't have time

A - I know it's challenging to find time to work ON your business instead of IN your business. If you are serious about moving your business forward you need to make time otherwise it will never happen.

Q - I tried to do this before and it didn't work.

A - The problem is with trying, you either do or don't do... there is no try. If you have attempted to push any of these modules before by yourself and you haven't succeeded then you need the accountability that I offer. If you are willing to do the work I promise to match your enthusiasm and give you extra back.

Q. What makes you different from other business courses and coaches out there?

A. None of the programs I teach are exclusive to me, how I teach is unique. I use a lot of copy and repeat, this enables the students to actually complete what they need on their own following exactly what I do. This gives you confidence and that feeling of accomplishment.

Q. Now is Not The Right Time For Me

A. Ask yourself where do you think your business will be 12 months from now? Will you have grown, made great strides and have multiple income streams?



But if there’s a danger that without help you’ll be treading water, in the same place or just a few inches forward, then you need to take action now. Invest in the Complete Business Toolkit so you can follow your dreams and be sure that your business is thriving by this time next year.

Imagine Having A Business Coach on Call For 1 Year

Within 7 days of joining a 90-minute planning session to help you get clear and get started working towards your goals.


10 hours of 1:1 Bespoke Support

Complete Email Marketing Masterclass

Complete Facebook Masterclass

Complete Social Media Masterclass


12 additional how-to courses


12 months of access to the membership


12 months of WhatsApp access, making sure that if you are ever unsure or stuck you can get an answer sooner*

(*business hours 8-4pm 6 days per week)

This is not a ‘One Size Fits All’ Course.

The Unlimited Dream Company by J.G. Ballard book
The Unlimited Dream Company by J.G. Ballard book

The Complete Business Toolkit is adapted to you and your business, you implement what is needed and I guide you through. The program may look the same for everyone but it’s far from it.

I work with YOU, not your business, I guide you, I inspire you and I teach you. YOU are the most important part of your business... I care about you and no matter what your business type or business model - that's your job!

All this for £1249

Lock in this pricing while it lasts!

“Without all of the master classes and all of the knowledge that she's put together in one place, I wouldn't have been able to do it. It’s worth every penny.”

Jen Street

Don’t Just Take My Word For It

“What sets Paula apart is her genuine care. She possesses the unique ability to discern when to encourage and when to provide space for self-discovery. The toolkit is designed around your individual pace, and Paula consistently nurtures you forward, pushing you to explore your potential.”

Vanessa Hubbard

“No problem is too big or small, and no question is too silly. Paula is a guide and mentor who rolls up her sleeves and gives hands-on support where necessary. She shows you how it’s done and the work sessions are recorded, so you can do it yourself next time”.

Ella Hoyos