Grab up to £250 off the Complete Business Toolkit Relaunch Throughout August - Join The List Here!

Tired of the endless hunt for new clients and the exhaustion of tight deadlines? It's time to break free from the relentless chase. Embrace the opportunity to create a lasting legacy that truly honours your skills and time.

Calling: Ambitious service-providers who are

Build Out Your 12 Month Action Plan With Clear Targets And Goals
black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile
Get My Proven Frameworks To Streamline Your Processes To Go Faster
Create Your Ultimate Roadmap To More Income And More Impact
What if you could finally launch your dream that you have been sitting on for a while?

If you’re a service provider who makes money by charging for the work you do, the relentless “chase” for your next piece of work can feel really stressful.

You feel like you’re constantly chasing new clients or delivering to tight deadlines.

And you know, with your skills and experience, if you could just leverage your time to create and launch your dream service online, making money would feel easier (and it would take up way less of your time).

It’s not that you don’t believe in your idea - if I asked you to tell me about it, you would talk to me solidly for two hours with a light beaming through you so bright that you could illuminate a small town!

When did you last take a moment to think about the when, where, or how of launching this amazing idea?
Were your answers stronger than your reason to do it?
But then you’re back to the grindstone of your day job, and it still hasn’t happened...

But the mountain feels too big to climb because you don’t know what you don’t know, and you’re not sure where to start. Without a guide or map, you are afraid of wasting your precious time, and your dream is once again pushed to the back, only to rear its head again when that paid work is sparse (or you have too much!).

“Not having a solid support structure is probably the number one reason why so many women quit along their financial independence journey.”

Kim Kiyosaki

I want you to lean in if….

✔️You’re selling time and your amazing skills for money, but you want to leverage your time better so that you can earn an income even when you’re not doing the work

✔️Securing your next gig is your constant number 1 priority, which means you haven’t had time to prioritise creating THE offer, which you know could triple your income and halve your working hours

✔️You are tired of giving your best years, knowing that time is moving fast

✔️You want to build a legacy, you want to be known for what you do, you want “more” than just a freelance job - you want to create a business that pays you even when you’re not working in it

You’ve fallen for the low-priced offers that promise to show you exactly how to create and launch, but you're still stuck because while the information is easy to come by - it’s the implementation you’re struggling with, and that’s what I can help you with…
“Paula really gives you that confidence that you can do it, that you can trust yourself, and you can back yourself. I've gained so much more confidence in a year in my own ability and in believing in myself. Working with Paula is so empowering.
If you've got the seed of an idea and you want to nurture it and see it grow. She's a good gardener!”

- Jen Street


To transition from paid gig work to a leveraged offer, you'll need four key things.

“Huge thanks for our last session. You gave me inspiration and positivity. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”



If you had this all created and set up to sell on repeat, freeing up your time to spend with family and friends and living a less stressed life, how would that feel?

The 12-month incubator for busy freelancers with a deep desire to create, build and launch an offer that leverages their time so they can earn more and work less.

  • Get a fully aligned business plan that plays to your strengths and fits the way you work.

  • Get total clarity on the exact steps to turn your dream offer into reality

  • Design, create and apply a simple, repeatable framework that builds your business in a sustainable way

  • Fast-track your progress with the tools you need and a clear roadmap to follow

  • Get the accountability to push your dream over the line and live the life you have dreamed about for so long.

What’s inside

Section 1 - Plotting Your Path to Success


  • Initial Assessment: We start with an audit to diagnose what’s working and what’s not. This allows us to understand your current situation and pinpoint the ways in which we can steal back time to help you build and create

  • Goal Setting: We’ll define your short-term and long-term goals, breaking them down into manageable steps that will see you plot out the next 12 months

  • Plan Creation: We’ll develop a comprehensive plan outlining your journey, with timelines and specific actions.

  • Milestone Agreement: Agreeing on key milestones will help you track your progress and stay motivated throughout the year.

  • Regular Check-Ins: We'll schedule regular check-ins to ensure you stay on track over the next 12 months

  • Create expectations: Agree that you will work through your plan and I will ensure you stay on track. This is key when you will be working alone. Know that I am not called the headmistress for no reason. If you commit, so will I!

In this power-packed 90-minute 1:1 session, we lay out your unique journey, audit your time, and set a plan in place. We’ll clarify your timeline, look for specific ways you’ll carve out time, and create a manageable and achievable plan.

Section 2 - Secure Your Marketing Foundations


  • Implement my easy-to-apply system: Strengthen your email marketing foundations and run them like a well-oiled machine.

  • Clear the deadwood: Clean your email list of the tyre kickers and prime it ready for an influx of new leads.

  • Copy and go: Use my easy-to-apply (framework) tips to get your Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites working for you instead of giving you a headache.

  • Use my processes: Grab my template to create a social media planner that will hold your business steady while you go to work creating your new offer.

  • Plug and Play: Steal my planner and create an Email plan for the next 12 months to ensure you are never lost for words or stuck on what to say while working on your dream!

We’ll get clear on the gaps that need to be plugged in your email marketing and social media strategy, so when you are ready to move forward, nothing will stop you! Ticking these milestones off your list will give you the confidence boost to push forward and help you create your personalised roadmap when we get to Section 3.

Section 3 - Chunk It Down


  • List Creation: Using my ‘Chunk It Down’ framework, you can create a detailed list of what assets need to be made or created and in what order. This step-by-step plan ensures that nothing is overlooked.

  • Marketing Clarity: Get crystal clear on your marketing offers and understand each part's value to your business.

  • Asset Creation: Learn how to create valuable assets for your business, ensuring a steady flow of income.

  • A Mix of Offers: We'll show you how to mix different business models to fit your needs, including done-for-you services, done-with-you, standalone products, and monetising your intellectual property (IP).

  • Lead Magnets: Ensure the lead magnets created align with your business and attract the right type of client that will be willing to spend money.

Clarity and purpose-driven action are key here. We dig deep, get hyper-focused on your new idea to launch, break apart what that means for you, and validate it. Creating multiple revenue streams is key. We then use my proven framework and chunk-it-down method to break your idea into manageable pieces to create your roadmap of success.

Section 4 - Build And Launch


  • Efficient Processes: Streamline your creation process to grow your list and earn simultaneously. This will increase your business's productivity and profitability, and you’ll learn how to do it in a way that feels easy and doesn’t suck up time.

  • Save Time and Money: Run social media campaigns that support your business while helping you to expand your audience.

  • Leveraging the Toolkit: The toolkit's resources, which are packed with software, will help you expand your offerings easily.

  • Launch each month: Create a new offer each month and build loyalty that keeps your audience coming back for each new thing you put out.

Create and build your legacy on purpose with secure foundations and a complete roadmap to guide you. Shortcutting your success and creating only what is needed. Stay laser-focused as you see your empire building in front of your eyes.

“What sets Paula apart is her genuine care. She possesses the unique ability to discern when to encourage and when to provide space for self-discovery. The toolkit is designed around your individual pace, and Paula consistently nurtures you forward, pushing you to explore your potential.”

Vanessa Hubbard.


No problem is too big or small, and no question is too silly. Paula is a guide and mentor who rolls up her sleeves and gives hands-on support where necessary. She shows you how it’s done and the sessions are recorded, so you can do it yourself next time.”

Ella Hoyos


“Thanks so much for today’s session I’m buzzing after that! 🤩🤯😂

Kelly Ballard


What you’re getting.

  • 90-minute 1:1 clarity call with me to create your 12-month framework (value £300)

  • Accountability check-ins and office hours support via WhatsApp for 12 months (value priceless)

  • Secure your foundation building blocks with my 3 Masterclass Trainings, so you know exactly what to say and when to say it across email and social media platforms (value £300)

  • Email, Business Planning and Social Media Templates so that you don’t have to second-guess what to write to launch your new offer (value £150)

  • Chunk It Down framework helps you create a viable roadmap that will keep you on track to launch a chargeable item or lead magnet monthly (value £210)

  • Short-cutting your success 'how to' videos, which show you how I set up and use software programs, this is the ultimate copy of ‘what I do’ so you can stop Googling! (value £500)

  • The most effective and inexpensive (some of them are even free) software programs that will help you elevate your offerings, saving time searching for what will work for you. (priceless)

  • Access to the Chat With Paula Membership for 12 months, which gives you weekly check-ins via our weekly Pomodoro sessions (time in the office calls) plus weekly Zooms giving you accountability group check-ins, mindset or techy sessions! (value £240)

From only £597 saving over £1100

Choose Your Level...


£2825 Save over £1300

Everything from Bronze plus 15 hours of dedicated 1:1 coaching

☑️ 90-minute 1:1 planning session with a 12-month framework.

☑️ Your Business Plan for the next 12 months.

☑️ Your email planner created, giving you 12 months' worth of newsletter content.

☑️ Your social media will be created and planned for six months, plus a template to create future 6-month batches.

☑️ A clear roadmap with a mix of offers ready to create and launch.

☑️ 12 months of access to the Chat with Paula Membership Group.

☑️ Accountability check-ins with WhatsApp support.


☑️ 90-minute 1:1 planning session with a 12-month framework.

☑️ Your Business Plan for the next 12 months.

☑️ Your email planner created, giving you 12 months' worth of newsletter content.

☑️ Your social media will be created and planned for six months, plus a template to create future 6-month batches.

☑️ A clear roadmap with a mix of offers ready to create and launch.

☑️ 12 months of access to the Chat with Paula Membership Group.

☑️ Accountability check-ins with WhatsApp support.


☑️ 120-minute 1:1 session with me to create your perfect roadmap using the chunk-it-down framework

☑️90-minute 1:1 session with me to create your social media planner for the next six months

☑️90-minute 1:1 session with me to create your Business and Email planner

☑️Plus, an additional 20 x 1:1 coaching sessions over 12 months, twice monthly 1:1 coaching calls (recommended) dedicated to keeping you and your plan on track.

£3575 Save over £1500

Everything from Bronze plus 25 hours of dedicated 1:1 coaching

☑️ 90-minute 1:1 planning session with a 12-month framework.

☑️ Your Business Plan for the next 12 months.

☑️ Your email planner created, giving you 12 months' worth of newsletter content.

☑️ Your social media will be created and planned for six months, plus a template to create future 6-month batches.

☑️ A clear roadmap with a mix of offers ready to create and launch.

☑️ 12 months of access to the Chat with Paula Membership Group.

☑️ Accountability check-ins with WhatsApp support.


☑️ 120-minute 1:1 session with me to create your perfect roadmap using the chunk-it-down framework

☑️90-minute 1:1 session with me to create your social media planner for the next six months

☑️90-minute 1:1 session with me to create your Business and Email planner

☑️Plus, an additional 10 x 1:1 coaching sessions over 12 months, monthly 1:1 coaching calls (recommended), and dedicated accountability to ensure you stay on track.

£1100 Save over £1100

Grab all the courses and training and work through at your own pace

Unsure what level of support you need? You can start for £597 and upgrade later if you need extra support.

BONUSES - Available with Any Toolkit Purchased Until 31st October 2024

Because who doesn’t love a little extra?

This Is Your Missing Puzzle Piece

Receive a signed copy of my new book! It’s for business owners who are ready to make a change, get unstuck and unlock your full potential. Get ready to open doors in your thinking that have held you back for years.

Publish Your Book on Amazon - A Guide to Self-Publishing

A step-by-step guide to publishing your first book and eBook.. Contains the solutions to all my mistakes - so that you can get it right, the first time!

“She’s unstoppable quite frankly. Tech doesn't work and it’s stressing you out? She’ll find a workaround. She’s the ultimate problem solver - when it comes to software nothing phases her. Her SOS calls are lifesavers for online biz owners”

Ella Hoyos / Minnie Mc Bride.”


“If you are in any doubt about what Paula teaches, I can tell you - it works! (She helped me plan my newsletter and lead magnet and the sales have been rolling in)”

Vanessa Hubbard.


If you only knew this one thing.

Nothing is wrong with your ability, timing, or amazing idea.

We tell ourselves that all manner of things are keeping us from pursuing our dream venture.

Instead, we hold onto our dreams like we’ve got a lottery ticket in our back pocket—if we haven’t tried, we can’t fail, so we keep hold of the possibility but don’t take action to make it happen.

You see, I know you; I am you. For nearly 15 years, I blamed time, kids, hubby, paid employment, private clients, the wrong house, no desk, no office… well, really everyone and everything for not being able to launch my own business and take back control of my time and income.

Your dream doesn’t move without you; your ability to control your own narrative moving forward will not shift until you allow yourself to accept it.

You have everything you already need, you.

What I needed was a structure, not another course… I knew my ability to build and empower other business owners, but I didn't know how to plug it into a framework that would create a profitable business - that was what I was missing.

I would take on client work, at the expense of my own business plans, because it paid the bills……but it meant that….even though it was guaranteed pay, my business didn't have even one solid leg to stand on!

If not now, then when?

“You can either go through the pain of transition, or the pain of stagnation”
- Mary J Blige

Hey, Nice To Meet You...

Can I be honest with you? Frankly, I know no other way!

I can show you what’s possible for you and your business even if you can’t see it for yourself. My clients don’t call me the Headmistress for nothing…

That wasn’t always the case. It was only when redundancy ‘freed’ me from my former job that I discovered my superpower. As a strong Integrator and accredited Life Coach I have the ability to cut through the fog of emotions attached to businesses and find a way forward.

Now, I help entrepreneurs and start-up business owners do just that—find solutions to the problems that prevent them from designing and running successful businesses.

Having spent 20 years working for someone else in a management role, I knew I was meant for more, I just couldn't say what that ‘more’ was.

But when I followed my own path I started to notice that there were other women with bags of talent and brilliant ideas who were also meant for more. I knew I could help.

Armed with my magic skill set, I put that to work and have been helping amazing women like you ever since. Within a year of starting my own business, my first client went from £0 to £10K+ in her first launch, and it snowballed from there.

And now? I want the same for you.

You may think you aren’t cut out for online business just because you don’t understand the tech or you are unsure if you are ready. I say BS!

When you work with me on yourself and your business you will realise that you have a lot more magic than you thought.

Frequently asked questions

Who is this for?

Women who know they have something they want to create and build that legacy that will free them from the constraints of time and client work.

Where will this happen?

It's delivered via Zoom calls and self study learning, you just need a laptop and WiFi and you are good to go.

How much does it cost?

Our pricing varies depending on the level of support and coaching you choose. We offer 3 options to fit your needs and budget. Please click here for more information.

When does it start?

Where possible this page stays open all year, however I have had to close it a few times to ensure I can get everyone started right, so if its open now, jump in.

I don't have enough time to commit to this.

The Toolkit is designed specifically for busy women who are short on time. By dedicating just a few hours a week, you can secure your business foundations and make significant progress. The structured, step-by-step approach ensures you maximise your time investment efficiently.

I'm not confident in my ability to implement the steps?

The Toolkit includes comprehensive, easy-to-follow guides and templates that simplify each step of the process. Additionally, the 90-minute one-on-one session in Section 1 ensures you receive personalised support and clarity, boosting your confidence and capability to implement the strategies.

I'm not sure if it's worth the investment.

Investing in the Toolkit is an investment in your business's future. By providing a clear roadmap, eliminating guesswork, and fast-tracking your progress, the Toolkit helps you build and launch revenue-generating offers. The value of gaining clarity, streamlined processes, and continuous growth far outweighs the initial cost.

I struggle with maintaining focus and motivation.

The Toolkit addresses this by including regular check-ins and accountability measures to keep you focused and motivated. The clear, manageable steps and the ongoing support structure ensure you stay on track and maintain momentum, making it easier to achieve your business goals without losing motivation.

I tried before and it didn't work!

The problem is with trying, you either do or don't do... there is no try. If you have attempted to push any of these modules before by yourself and you haven't succeeded then you need the accountability that I offer. If you are willing to do the work I promise to match your enthusiasm.

What makes you different from other business courses and coaches out there?

None of the programs I teach are exclusive to me, how I teach is unique. I use a lot of copy and repeat, this enables students to actually complete what they need on their own following exactly what I do. This gives you confidence and that feeling of accomplishment.

Now is not the right time for me!

Ask yourself where do you think your business will be 12 months from now?

Will you have grown, made great strides and have multiple income streams?

Yes? Amazing.

But if there’s a danger that without help you’ll be treading water, in the same place or just a few inches forward, then you need to take action now to ensure your business is thriving by this time next year.


- or your money back

I guarantee that I will push you beyond your comfort zone so you can learn what you need.

I guarantee you will learn a lot.

I guarantee that you will be surprised at yourself by the time we are finished.

…but first, you gotta commit!

I match your investment with 100% enthusiasm and encouragement. But I can’t do your sit-ups for you!! This is a DONE WITH YOU program (not ‘done-for-you’). So if you are not ready to take action on your business and do the work, then this may not be the right solution for you.

I want to offer you a 100% risk-free guarantee.

When you join, you’ve got 30 days to decide if this purchase was right for you.

If, within those 30 days, you do the planning session, attend the membership calls and try the masterclasses but still feel like the Complete Business Toolkit isn’t delivering on its promise, I will refund you 11 months of the total cost.

Just send an email to to let me know.

That’s just the right thing to do, and I haven’t refunded anyone yet!

HEY! Paula here.

Can I be honest with you? Frankly I know no other way!

I can show you what’s possible for you and your business even if you can’t see it for yourself. They don’t call me the Headmistress for nothing…

That wasn’t always the case. It was only when redundancy ‘freed’ me from my former job that I discovered my superpower. As a strong Integrator and accredited Life Coach I have the ability to cut through the fog of emotions attached to businesses and find a way forward.

Now I help entrepreneurs and start up business owners do just that - find solutions to the problems that hold you back from designing and running a successful business.

Having spent 20 years working for someone else in a management role, I knew I was meant for more, I just couldn't say what that ‘more’ was.

But when I followed my own path I started to notice that there were other women with bags of talent and brilliant ideas who were also meant for more. I knew I could help.

So I went all in on business integration, offering 1:1 support, designing courses and setting up my membership Chat With Paula to build a community of women and help them make real progress in their businesses.

Within a year of starting my own business, my first client went from £0 to £10K+ in her first launch and it snowballed from there.

And now? I want the same for you.

You may think you aren’t cut out for online business just because you don’t understand the tech. I say BS!

That’s why I created the Complete Business Toolkit. It’s a whole package of 1:1 support, the Chat With Paula Membership, plus individual courses that unpick everything from Organic Social Media Posting and Email Marketing to Facebook Ads and beyond.

Let’s do this together!


How Do I Know If I’m Ready?

You should definitely purchase if…

  • You’re fed up going round in circles trying to ‘figure it out’ all on your own.

  • You rely on one single source of income and you feel vulnerable that it might dry up.

  • You are ready to create more income streams (legs!) to your business but you are not sure how.

  • You have taken lots of training courses but you still don't have the answers you need.

  • You’ve bought loads of software tools but are having a hard time getting them to work together.

  • You’ve got an idea for a course but you’re not sure how to build your tech stack.

  • You’re keen to get your online business up and running but you don't have a bottomless budget for software.

  • You’re running a business but getting frustrated and overwhelmed with all the tech

  • You want to automate more of your business operations and make life easier for yourself.

  • You’ve established your business but reached a plateau.

You might want to wait to buy if…

  • You’re not sure if I’m the right coach for you. We’re going to be working closely together - so why not get on my mailing list or check out my free training first to see if we’re a good match?

  • You already have a system in place and you don’t want to learn new software

  • You want to delegate all the tech, and have it all done for you without working through it yourself

  • You already have some of the bits and pieces - so don't need the whole package (talk to me anyway!)


Q. I have just got started and have no idea of a business yet.

A. That's great, jump in and start learning. I often find that as you learn your goals become clearer.

Q. I have already launched and had good results.

A. Amazing, you know where you are and where you are going. My question is what is next? Will you scale up, can you sell again to your audience or do you need to keep updating and renewing your offer?

This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage
This is the sign you've been looking for neon signage

Q. I am already part of a membership that helps me.

A. Okay, list down 5 things you have achieved this year, if you can do that then they are for you. If not jump in and join us. I believe you should be working alongside those who can help you.

Q. I have an idea for a course but don't know how to implement it.

This is covered as part of the Toolkit. I’ll show you how to set up a bespoke email account, a learning portal, a website and build lead magnets, landing pages and sale pages. We’ll talk about getting business insurance and legal cover to protect against risk. You’ll understand how to use a learning platform to deliver your course content and materials. You’ll be confident knowing exactly what’s needed for courses, memberships, classes and a safe area where your clients can access live documents and replays.

Q - I already know some of these programs so it will be a waste of money.

A - You may have the keys to the Ferrari, I will teach you how to drive it!

Q - I don't need to know all of that.

A - What we cover creates strong business foundations. This puts you in the driving seat of your business so you can keep control. By outsourcing you will always need to rely on someone else to do it, and this can be worrying and costly. But get your foundations right and you’ll have the power to outsource effectively, knowing how it works so that you can’t be duped. What you do and how far you push once we finish is up to you.

Q - I can't afford it

A - If you are happy to research and learn from YouTube videos to learn everything then please go ahead... The bulk of my work is with you on a 1:1 basis. What I give you in my time and expertise is worth so much - where else can you spend this sort of money on a business course and get so much personal attention?

Q - I don't have time

A - I know it's challenging to find time to work ON your business instead of IN your business. If you are serious about moving your business forward you need to make time otherwise it will never happen.

Q - I tried to do this before and it didn't work.

A - The problem is with trying, you either do or don't do... there is no try. If you have attempted to push any of these modules before by yourself and you haven't succeeded then you need the accountability that I offer. If you are willing to do the work I promise to match your enthusiasm and give you extra back.

Q. What makes you different from other business courses and coaches out there?

A. None of the programs I teach are exclusive to me, how I teach is unique. I use a lot of copy and repeat, this enables the students to actually complete what they need on their own following exactly what I do. This gives you confidence and that feeling of accomplishment.

Q. Now is Not The Right Time For Me

A. Ask yourself where do you think your business will be 12 months from now? Will you have grown, made great strides and have multiple income streams?



But if there’s a danger that without help you’ll be treading water, in the same place or just a few inches forward, then you need to take action now. Invest in the Complete Business Toolkit so you can follow your dreams and be sure that your business is thriving by this time next year.

Imagine Having A Business Coach on Call For 1 Year

Within 7 days of joining a 90-minute planning session to help you get clear and get started working towards your goals.


10 hours of 1:1 Bespoke Support

Complete Email Marketing Masterclass

Complete Facebook Masterclass

Complete Social Media Masterclass


12 additional how-to courses


12 months of access to the membership


12 months of WhatsApp access, making sure that if you are ever unsure or stuck you can get an answer sooner*

(*business hours 8-4pm 6 days per week)

This is not a ‘One Size Fits All’ Course.

The Unlimited Dream Company by J.G. Ballard book
The Unlimited Dream Company by J.G. Ballard book

The Complete Business Toolkit is adapted to you and your business, you implement what is needed and I guide you through. The program may look the same for everyone but it’s far from it.

I work with YOU, not your business, I guide you, I inspire you and I teach you. YOU are the most important part of your business... I care about you and no matter what your business type or business model - that's your job!

All this for £1249

Lock in this pricing while it lasts!

“Without all of the master classes and all of the knowledge that she's put together in one place, I wouldn't have been able to do it. It’s worth every penny.”

Jen Street

Don’t Just Take My Word For It

“What sets Paula apart is her genuine care. She possesses the unique ability to discern when to encourage and when to provide space for self-discovery. The toolkit is designed around your individual pace, and Paula consistently nurtures you forward, pushing you to explore your potential.”

Vanessa Hubbard

“No problem is too big or small, and no question is too silly. Paula is a guide and mentor who rolls up her sleeves and gives hands-on support where necessary. She shows you how it’s done and the work sessions are recorded, so you can do it yourself next time”.

Ella Hoyos